Friday, May 11, 2007

Like Minded People

Today at work we decided it was Casual Clothes for No Cause Day. We'd all had a pretty tiring week, so we thought an informal day was in order. What a difference it made! I was happy all day. I was comfortable, and I felt like myself. Lunch time rolled around, and I suggested we grab some pizzas to share, instead of our usual trek down to Mike's Country Kitchen (who, incidentally, make roast lamb rolls that are almost as good as the ones at the Fairway Coffee Lounge in Devonport). We got three Pizza Hut pizzas, and they were really nice. Everyone told me what a great idea it was to get pizza. I felt useful. Yay for today!

I got a text message in the afternoon from the girl I met at The Church That My Boss Goes To, asking if I wanted to come and hang out at the pub with a bunch of "like minded people". The same girl had invited me to a prayer meeting a couple of weeks ago. I really wanted to go to the prayer meeting, not to pray, but to hang out with "like minded people" (even though the term "like minded people" is totally wanky). But I didn't end up going. I don't think I'm ready for prayer meetings yet. There are too many things that happen in them that annoy me. Like people who go "mmm. Mmm" in agreement every five seconds. I want to smash 'em. And people who rock back and forth. What's the deal with that? And the other people, apart from me, who pray with their eyes open. You constantly find yourself catching their eye, and then it's all awkward, coz you were supposed to be talking to God, and instead you're looking at some random dude across the room. It's very off-putting. And people who say "Lord" a million times, as though God doesn't realise they're praying to him… or perhaps to remind themselves that that's who they're praying to. And people who tell you the facts of a situation WHILE THEY'RE PRAYING… as though God doesn't know what's going on! "Lord, we come before you Lord, just to ask, Lord, that you will look after Bob, Lord. Lord, Bob is going through a rough time at the moment, Lord, what with his wife going into hospital last night after breaking her leg, Lord. ("mmm. Mmm.") Lord, we ask that you would be with the children, Lord, as they are being looked after by the next door neighbours, Lord, who are going through issues of their own, Lord…" blah blah blah. And someone's always got to clap the end of the meeting. It's not over until someone claps. Eyes open – everyone looks at each other blearily, stretching – "Amen!" CLAP. Aaargh!

No, I'm definitely not ready for prayer meetings.

Anyway, we went to the pub. It was really cool – we met some great people. Like minded people even. I chatted to the girl I'd met, and another girl that I recognised from Ulverstone. And I gave a guy my phone number (ooh err) and he's going to call me to see if I want to be a part of a Bible-talking-about group thingie. Better blow the dust off it if I'm gonna be a part of something like that!

Gotta go now. There's a show on SBS called "Turn Me On: The History of the Vibrator". Time for watching a bit of SBS soft porn with K.

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