Wednesday, May 09, 2007

99 Things About Me

I don't like those forward things that you see in your inbox at least once a week. So I made up my own. If you don't like it, I don't care.

  1. My name is Rebecca Claire.
  2. Apparently, I came very close to being called Jessica. Ugh.
  3. I play the alto saxophone.
  4. I play the drums too, but I'm not very good.
  5. My first job was at McDonalds when I was 15.
  6. I worked in a service station for 8 years.
  7. I have also worked as a cook in an Italian restaurant, as a singing tutor, and making handmade paper products.
  8. I am scared of wasps.
  9. I never loved anyone until I met K.
  10. When I was a kid, I wanted to be an author.
  11. I suffer from anxiety.
  12. I have been married for nearly seven years.
  13. K and I never dated. We went from friends to engaged.
  14. I have a black cat called Ezzie.
  15. I have never been drunk.
  16. I hate being cold. I feel the cold easily.
  17. I think jewellery is a waste of money.
  18. I believe the world is less than ten thousand years old.
  19. I love to sing. I wish I did it more often.
  20. I have a birthmark shaped like Australia on my neck. It has Tasmania and everything!
  21. I am an exhibitionist. Wanna see my boobs?
  22. I never, EVER want to have children.
  23. I cry a lot.
  24. I went to Uni but didn't complete a degree. I want to go back to Uni one day.
  25. I have a sister and a brother. I am the eldest child.
  26. I prefer slippers to shoes.
  27. I lost my virginity when I was 15.
  28. I hate Mother's Day. I'm not a fan of Christmas either.
  29. I love my job. It stresses me out, but I still love it.
  30. I like to draw, but I haven't done it in ages. People kept asking me to draw things, and it eventually killed my desire to do it.
  31. I loved school. I got great marks.
  32. I'm supposed to wear contact lenses, but I don't.
  33. I love anything peppermint.
  34. Birds make me happy. Especially galahs and cockatoos. I hate to see birds in cages.
  35. I'm not very polite. I rub people up the wrong way. I alternate between being devastated by this, and not giving a shit.
  36. I think films are boring.
  37. I ride a scooter called Gus.
  38. Music I like includes Lauryn Hill, Billy Joel, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, Eva Cassidy, Pete Murray, Darren Hanlon, Dave Brubeck, Jack Johnson and Roxette.
  39. I think it's boring when people tell me what music they like.
  40. It's even more boring when they tell me about dreams they've had.
  41. I'm a glass half empty kind of person. So sue me.
  42. Colourful things make me happy.
  43. I talk in my sleep.
  44. K has never bought me flowers. Flowers are a waste of money, and belong in the garden. Whose dumb idea was it to pick them and bring them inside anyway?
  45. I'm not interested in travelling whatsoever.
  46. My parents divorced when I was 12.
  47. I left home when I was 15.
  48. I have compassion for animals, but very little compassion for humans.
  49. I seem to get on better with males than I do with females.
  50. I'm highly strung and don't cope with stress very well at all. I don't think I'm a very strong person.
  51. I'd like to get a tattoo one day, but I probably won't.
  52. I had braces in my mid twenties, and have more teeth with fillings than without.
  53. I like sunbaking naked.
  54. I've never felt like I fitted in anywhere. That's such an emo thing to say.
  55. I have a Game Boy.
  56. I think global warming is a load of crap.
  57. Before I met God, I was considering a career as a prostitute. Not that I was a slut or anything – I was emotionally dead anyway, and I thought it would pay a lot for little effort.
  58. When I'm old I want to live in an old people's home.
  59. I like to swear. Fuck shit bugger.
  60. Plants don't tend to live very long under my care.
  61. I can do this thing where if I have two objects that are identical but are different colours (like lollies, or pen lids, etc), I can mix them up, put one in each hand, and I can tell what colour is in which hand without looking. I don't know how.
  62. I hate marshmallows.
  63. I'm damn lazy and I hate exercising.
  64. I love Indian food – the hotter the better.
  65. I had my ears pierced when I was six, but haven't worn earrings since high school.
  66. I'm a spelling Nazi.
  67. When I get home after work, the first thing I do is put on my slippers, my favourite fleecy trousers and a stripy thermal top. I usually take my bra off too.
  68. I feel like I do most of the housework, and it annoys me.
  69. I can't sleep with my mouth closed.
  70. Rattles in cars drive me nuts.
  71. I'm a night person.
  72. I hate cooking. I'd eat out every night if I could.
  73. I'm not afraid of people.
  74. I won $100 in a poster competition when I was in Grade 6.
  75. I love to drink tea. Black, no sugar. My current favourite is Chai. I carry teabags in my handbag so that when I go to cafés, That way, I only have to get a cup of boiling water and it doesn't cost me anything.
  76. I don't like sleeping away from home.
  77. Sometimes I know things have happened without anyone telling me.
  78. I'm scared that life is passing me by, and I'm missing out on some big opportunity or something, and that I won't fulfil my purpose on earth. I have no idea what that purpose might be, or if there even is one.
  79. I have big tired looking bags under my eyes that are there and have always been there no matter how much sleep I get.
  80. I have never broken a bone.
  81. I can raise one eyebrow.
  82. Sometimes I wish I was dead.
  83. I never cry in movies.
  84. I've been singing in the Burnie Christmas Carols for five years.
  85. I don't like people shortening my name.
  86. I love K, but I still find other guys attractive.
  87. I once played a lead role in a musical.
  88. I wear Sunflowers perfume every day.
  89. I used to be a singer in a band. It was fun while it lasted.
  90. One day I want to write a book.
  91. I am very critical of myself and others.
  92. I smoke sometimes. Rarely.
  93. Every time I have a cup of tea, I get a new cup out of the cupboard.
  94. After I got married, I put on six kilos. I now weigh 54 kilos.
  95. I have a terrible long term memory.
  96. I can keep a secret.
  97. I like to break into dilapidated buildings and explore them.
  98. I really want people to like me and enjoy being in my company. But only people that I like. The rest can bite me.
  99. I have no strong dreams, visions, desires or passions in life.

I would have had 100 things, but the number 100 was too big and so the text didn't line up with all the rest, and that bugged me. I can't remember what it was that I deleted. Probably just more bullshit.

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