Friday, April 10, 2009


Here’s a New Year’s resolution update for you – frankly, I’m blown away. I don’t know if it’s good fortune, hard work or coincidence, but either way I’ve achieved both my goals in a spectacular fashion. I wanted to lose five kilos – I’ve lost six. I also resolved to ask if I could do some work experience in an area I’ve wanted to work in for years. Seriously, years. Well, damned if they didn’t offer me a job! I’m still struggling to believe it. I knew that asking to do work experience was something within my control, something achievable. I never would have thought that a few months on, I’d be getting paid to do it. But I am! So far, I totally love it.

Something that came as a bit of a shock to the system was actually having to use my brain in a job. I hope this doesn’t sound condescending to all the servo chicks and admin assistants out there, but I’m not sure that I’ve ever had to do that. It’s quite exhausting having to maintain interest, intelligence and concentration for eight hours a day, five days in a row. I reckon I’ll cope though. At last I’m working in the sort of job I can see myself staying in. I honestly thought the day would never come.

This New Years Eve, I might resolve to become a gajillionaire.


nickflight said...

hey that's awesome!! congratulations on achieving your resolutions... if you become a gajillionaire can I loan a million or two?

Rebecca said...

You can HAVE a million or two, my friend.