Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day

Venue 1

Me: Hi Dad
Dad: Hello! Good to see you. Would you like a drink? What do you fancy? Gee, your hair looks nice that colour. And I like your shirt. What have you guys been up to this morning? Have a seat! Lunch won’t be far away.

Venue 2

Me: Hi Mum
Mum: Hello! Mwah! I came to the carols the other night. I heard that little glitch in your voice during your solo… hahaha! You must have been SO embarrassed! I certainly would have been, if it had happened to me. But you kept going, even under the circumstances. Oh how horrible! I’ve got the whole thing recorded on my mobile phone! Hahahaha! (walks off laughing.)


Anonymous said...

I think that about sums it up quite well.


Anonymous said...

Hello Rebecca
Daddy is watching you....he's here at the moment saying that you know this isn't from him as he doesn't even send you email..only correspond by phone ....its your uncle uppercase here telling me to write that you have to fill up your fridge as daddy is retiring & coming to a deck near you & he wants you to have a vego curry ready.