Friday, February 16, 2007

My Funny Valentine

It was Valentine's Day on Wednesday.

Traditionally, K and I do not celebrate this day. Whenever February 14th has rolled around in the past, we have pointed our noses in the air, and sneered in self-righteous disdain at others who chose to waste their money by succumbing to the wishes of advertisers, florists, Cadbury, Hallmark, etc. Let other couples be guilted into spending their hard-earned dollars in order to 'prove' their love for each other! Let others feel forced into superficial displays of affection! We felt far above such frivolity - almost to the point of ignoring each other for the entire day, just in case anyone got the wrong idea.

This year I spent the day at work as usual, watching colleagues receive gaudy packages complete with simpering love notes. Bleh. Riding Gus home from work, I shook my head at how some people blithely do what the media tells them to do, without thinking to question it. I was still scoffing to myself as I rode into the garage upon my arrival home.

What was that noise? Sounded like jazz music. Must be coming from next door, or across the road maybe... no, it sounded quite close. Perhaps K had left the radio on, or it was coming from a website he was looking at. Puzzled, I went inside, where I discovered the source of the music - our CD player. The table had been set for two, complete with wine glasses, placemats and candles. The house was clean, and I could smell a roast dinner cooking. K beamed at me, barely containing his excitement. I could hardly believe my eyes! Here before me was a man who, when asked if he loved me a while back, replied, "I told you I loved you on our wedding day... if anything changes, I'll let you know". And here he was busting out a mad Valentine's effort - I was stunned.

For me, the most startling thing from all of this was my gradual realisation that I really, really loved and appreciated the effort he went to. Me, the person who laughs in the face of romantic notions, the girl who has never received flowers purely because of the obvious scorn I have shown towards such 'nonsense', was actually quite chuffed that someone cared enough about me to go to so much effort. I have no idea why this particular year was different to any other, but I'm glad it was - we had a wonderful evening. We finished our dinner and sat drinking the wine and chatting for a while, then we went for a swim in the sea as the sun set behind the Dial Ranges. It was sickeningly romantic - but I had such a good time!

I shouldn't get too used to it - no doubt it'll be back to normal by next February 14th. And I don't mind that either. It was a wonderful evening, but mainly because I wasn't expecting it. What's so special about receiving flowers or gifts when you're fully aware that you're going to get them? Nothing. Of course you're gonna go to an effort for your partner if you think they'll be mad at you if you don't do it. And of course, there's the worry over whether they'll go to more of an effort than you will, or vice versa. The reason this year was so special was because neither of us had any expectations of each other.

Thank you, K. I love you.

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