I have a terrible long term memory. I really do. Sometimes the hypochondriac in me wonders "maybe I have some sort of early onset Alzheimer's?" I think it's a combination of genetics (a few of my relatives have mentioned that they have the same problem) as well as a kind of learned reaction that my brain has developed over my lifetime to help me cope with life's hard knocks. It is a blessing and a curse really. I find it fairly easy to forgive people for things they may have done, simply because after a while I can't remember exactly what it was that they did to upset me. Also, it's great for watching films and reading books that I've already seen or read before – I'm reading or watching and thinking, "this seems vaguely familiar", but I can't remember enough of it to know what's coming next. This is a big reason why I've taken to keeping blogs – if I write it down then I'm more likely to remember stuff. And if I don't, I can always read it later.
Songs, however, I can never, ever forget. My memory is full of a lifetime of songs, TV theme tunes and jingles from commercials that no matter how hard I try, I cannot erase from my mind. It is frustrating. I mean, how useful could this information possibly be:
You can't beat a Sao
Sao satisfaction
You can't beat a Sao, that's a fact
Sao brings out the flavour
Of any food you favour
You can't beat a Sao, that's a fact
Follow the arrow, just follow don't say no
Follow the arrow, they'll show you where to go
Arrows go this way, arrows go that
Arrows take you to an octopus, they take you to your hat
Feathers, fur or fins
Shell or scale or skin
If it walks on legs or flies on wings
If it runs or crawls or slithers or swims
It's got its place in the scheme of things
Feathers, fur or fins
I was bemoaning all this with friends recently, and one of them suggested that I should make up songs about the things that happen in my life, so that I can remember them. I'm not sure if that would work. I mean, how catchy is a song with lyrics like, "went to lots of meetings last year, la la la, also discovered that I quite like risotto, la la la", or, "Doo-doo-doo… my last pap smear was in 2003… yeeeeah yeah"? Maybe that's where folk or country and western songs originated? I mean, it's possible that Billy Bob BoJangle might never have remembered that it was 12 months since his separation and he could now legally get a divorce if a year ago today he hadn't crooned, "Left my skank of a wife for another lovely womaaan, wooah-oh, singin, the life of a ma-an on the run".
By contrast, my short term memory is fantastic. If you ever want to know what I had for lunch yesterday and exactly what time it was when I took my first bite, or how much Whiskas was on special for at the supermarket last week, then I'm your girl.